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Some sort of new age music that I like very much :) This music is build in a way that deprograms your mind or direct you in direction of self.


Albums SP:

Intimate With the Infinite

Love Divine

Must Be The Moon



Password starts with a big B.

Enjoy :)
Many thanks! FULL REPS
Just FYI:
Quote:Amy Steinberg is an American singer, songwriter, musician, playwright and actress.[1] She is an independent artist and has produced 9 records with producer, Justin Beckler. Best known for her live performances, she blends together a mixture of music, comedy, and poetry. In recent years, she has been studying Science of Mind and musically directing at Spiritual Centers, writing songs for the Inspire Choir (Boca Raton, Florida) and the One Love Choir (Charlotte, North Carolina) which has brought marked spirituality into her work. She has performed at Agape International in Los Angeles, Center for Spiritual Living Seattle, The Revelation Conference, Michigan Womyn's Festival, opening for Alix Olson, Melissa Ferrick, and others.
(Source: )
Thanks for sharing !!
(A little too busy/fast-paced for my tastes, but still - very cute.)
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