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sometimes people forget the simple stuff, K.I.S.S.= keep it simple stupid

[Image: Keep-it-simple-stupid-2-660x440.jpg]

here on the bbhf you see the good and bad, mostly bad. worthless shares that people are actually trying to sell on other webistes. bad advice and lies, no value and no original content. there are a few gems to be found, like a treasure hunt you have to keep digging to find the good stuff. thank goodness for the bbhf, where you can try out these many products for free, kick the tires and take a test drive before you buy. :FTW:

if you follow certain people, you will learn a lot. after a while you will find products you enjoy and are willing to pay for. products that will enrich you in body, mind and spirit. if you are lucky, you will make more money too. patrick bet-david is one of many people who can help you in that respect. he will often keep it simple and go over the basics and keep it simple for the stupid folks out there. did i mention he keeps it simple for stupid people?

[Image: keep-it-simple-stupid-and-usefull.png]

hey stupid: you know who you are: if you are actually making money, why do you live in your parents basement, or that space over the garage? if you are some kind of guru, why can't you buy a decent webcam and a good microphone so people can actually hear what you are saying. there are always new computers on sale. it is 2018 and everyday i watch some loser with a bad, or very bad webcam. i click close, end, escape or get me the hell out of here every time. and then these losers wonder why they never make any money, or get a thumbs down on their youtube or other videos. plus the bad reviews keep getting posted. yes, i am one of those people who will often leave a really honest review, sadly, for you cheap webcam losers, i will only review the first few, very few, minutes. p.s. i have a tablet that has a webcam that is better than what some of these dopes use. if you buy a cheap laptop, it often comes with a cheap webcam. you can buy a better webcam if you need to. stupid much?

do not overthink anything, do not waste time, do not listen to fools. just watch and listen carefully, and if you need to, please take notes, you will be glad you did. you get some real value from this company, and new content all the time. this video was uploaded just last week.

How to Make a Million Dollars a Year
There are two crucial areas to making a Million Dollar Income. Patrick Bet-David covers them in this video.

bonus pdf:
bonus video 1, that is mentioned in the original video above
How to REALLY Become A Millionaire

How to REALLY Become Millionaire. Patrick Bet-David discusses the timeline, elements and intangibles of what it really takes to become a millionaire

[Image: keep-it-simple-stupid.jpg]

boonus video 2
11 Skills that Millionaires Master

the more you view, the more you know
the more you know, the more you grow
the more you grow = mo' money, mo' money!
yes, you will have more money to blow
before you go, leave some +rep below VVV
thanks amigo
Very interesting...........thanks JOEMLM :)
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