Seth Godin - All Marketers Are Liars - The Power of Telling Authentic Stories in a Low-Trust World.pdf
Great Marketing book from Seth. If you are in the marketing world, then this is one you want to own and read.
Short Version - BusinessSummaries
Full Version - Converted PDF from ePub
Reps are always appreciated.
NOTE: Sorry for the share issue. I had put the short version only on here and missed uploading the full version. As noted below in post #6, WorldWarrior spotted this. You NOW have access to both versions for your library.
You never fail to bring value to the forum- This looks good haven't seen it before for some reason- Thanks!
Awesome, Gordon! Love Seth Godin! Thanks :)
Thanx for the share. Repped.
Thank you GS! Max reps friend!
I believe this might just be the 9 page summary version of the book that I've seen shared on other BH forums.
(04-24-2018 08:24 AM)WorldWarrior Wrote: [ -> ]I believe this might just be the 9 page summary version of the book that I've seen shared on other BH forums.
Nice Catch! - I fixed the links in the OP so you can now get the full version.
Many thanks to GordonShumway for a great share! +Reps added in appreciation of your time,effort and generosity.
This is essential reading for newbies, or in fact anyone who wants to discover the truth about the REAL secret of Internet Marketing. Once you understand that you are being lied to and conned, you will see through all the false promises, lies and BS and hopefully will stop chasing all of the Bright Shiny Objects!
Must've missed this,
Thank you and Repped++

Excellent share Gordon! Thanks and max reps to you! Zippyshare is down but Solid files still works fine.