Layna also takes the time to answer to PM's in lucid details, not in short messaging text grammar, but flowing pleasant English. Reminds me of my English teachers who always persuade my classmates and myself to write proper English cos you never know who is going to read them one day. Salute to one of the prolific contributors here. There are others but this thread is undoubtedly for Layna.
Congrats layna for all your contributions to this forum. 45,000 reps and counting! Perhaps we should start calling you Princess Layna, no apologies to Star Wars!
Congrats layna for all your contributions to this forum. 45,000 reps and counting! Perhaps we should start calling you Princess Layna, no apologies to Star Wars!
BTW, is your avatar really you or did you just get that from the web.:)
Sorry, I've been away quite a while with a nasty hard drive crash. I'm late to my own party!
@StillStanding: No, I actually went to a site (the URL escapes me now) where you can custom-make your own Avatar with drag-and-drop images. I wrote a post about it; it may still be up but it was a couple of years ago, at least. You can try to search for Avatar with my username and it may pop up. The UI was so easy to follow and you can even select background colors and styles. It was a load of fun. And what you see is as close to "me" as it can be although I'm not as young as I once was. But then again...who is anymore?!!!
@Everyone who has posted: Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate all of you. Over 50K reps and more experience than I had when I first found this forum and it's been a remarkable ride!

Thanks for all you do for the forum
Indeed - what good things that all the folks have said already AND:
As I've said before, Layna is really our very own 'Glinda the Good' !!
Adding this as well (though it is off-topic, sorry) :
There are some nicks here that are simply the coolest - and Manythanks is definitely one of the best I've ever seen !!

Many thanks !! Both of your contribution is what makes me here
Congratulaions Layna61524. you are a valuable asset to this community!