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Full Version: [GET][PURCHASED] Dentist Authority Kit
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+5 Reps - Thank you VERY much pvguy for this AWSOME share!
+5 Reps - Thank you VERY much moataz59 for this AWSOME share!
Thanks for sharing
(04-13-2018 07:41 AM)pvguy Wrote: [ -> ]Sales funnel for promoting a dental practice. You get two lead capture pages along with a lead magnet report that you can personalize.

It also includes two videos, 7 message autoresponder series, 10 articles, 30 picture with text social media posts, 2 flyer designs, 2 postcard layouts, 2 classified ad designs, and 8 banner designs.

Sales page

Download link

If you like the post, reps would be appreciated.

the link not working
pleas update
good one really appreciaate this ty
Thanks pvguy and moataz59. much appreciate it
Thank you pvguy, reps added. I'm familiar with Simon Lim's other PLR and it's quite good.

Have you considered using the DL url to hack some of his other packages?

PM if you'd like to work on this together.
thanks for sharing
Nice share, thanks
Post to unlock.
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