04-12-2018, 04:59 AM
people are always asking me to invest in their business, idea or website,
o.k. here is $1,000
Tips for success
10-15 minutes each day
you should set aside each day for the next seven days to maximize your savings.
Each part of this guide is loaded with savings opportunities. Sometimes people get overwhelmed by having too many choices. Set aside some time and pick one or two to work on. If you have time to do them all – go for it!
Have fun
Saving money is fun! Challenge yourself and stay accountable
personal note:
people are doing online guides, to get you to visit their website and click a few pages. this makes you stay a while and also makes your site look good to search engines. however, too many of these people fail to actually offer a real pdf guide, in multiple formats ;), with links to other pages and offers. a BIG mistake! HUGE!
get it here:
he calls it a guide and a course, it is all about the keywords people, are you listening?
do you understand? or do i have to explain everything to you?
the more you read, the more you know
the more you know, the more you grow
the more you grow = mo' money, mo' money!
yes, you will have more money to blow
before you go, leave some +rep below VVV
o.k. here is $1,000
Tips for success
10-15 minutes each day
you should set aside each day for the next seven days to maximize your savings.
Each part of this guide is loaded with savings opportunities. Sometimes people get overwhelmed by having too many choices. Set aside some time and pick one or two to work on. If you have time to do them all – go for it!
Have fun
Saving money is fun! Challenge yourself and stay accountable
personal note:
people are doing online guides, to get you to visit their website and click a few pages. this makes you stay a while and also makes your site look good to search engines. however, too many of these people fail to actually offer a real pdf guide, in multiple formats ;), with links to other pages and offers. a BIG mistake! HUGE!
get it here:
Magic Button :
do you understand? or do i have to explain everything to you?
the more you read, the more you know
the more you know, the more you grow
the more you grow = mo' money, mo' money!
yes, you will have more money to blow
before you go, leave some +rep below VVV