04-11-2018, 02:35 AM
Sent to me by a friend and thought I'd share it here... Hope it's good, obviously you can expect a sales pitch after the last video, but I expect the free ones will deliver good usable content. Enjoy!
Free Online Bootcamp: Registration Is Open!
In 5 Videos I'll Show You How To Start A FREE Messenger Bot, Use It To Sell Basically ANY Product, AND How I'm Using This To Generate Over 22,000% ROI For My Products And Get Leads For As Little As .42 .37!
Everything You Need To Know To ACTUALLY Profit From Messenger Bots and Some Of My Most Profitable Secrets
Messenger is the hottest topic on the "block" right now but MOST people find it really hard to understand how to get started and what the rules are! I decided, why not fix that?
So I Created A 5 Day FREE Messenger Marketing Bootcamp!
I've been building a bot creation software for 2 years, in doing so we've experimented with EVERY NICHE. I've generated 3,200% ROI for an ecommerce store (turning $15 into $580 in 12 hours), Helped A Podcast Get 800+ live viewers, helped a local business get more clients, and even had a few campaigns of my own generating up to 22,000% ROI ($48.11 Spent -> $11,400 Made)... YOU NAME IT!
I figured, instead of charging people I'd rather help everyone get their bot business off the ground.
Here's just a BIT of what I'll be covering across the 5 Days:
How Bots Work: The reason MOST people aren't using Messenger bots is because they don't understand them. I'm going to be covering the basics and giving you all the rules you need to pay attention to.
How To Build A Profitable List Using Bots: Yes, a LIST. Like a REAL list that utilizes Messenger that can used to promote your products or services and it's SUPER profitable. We'll be covering multiple ways to go from 0-500+ subscribers QUICKLY. Once you have that list, I am going to teach you how to leverage it the RIGHT (and legal) way to start making more money!
How To Build A Bot Business: There are over 48,000,000 fan pages and only 200,000 (reported by Messenger themselves) are using bots right now. Once you see how amazingly powerful Messenger is, you'll also realize how easy it would be to help other businesses and get paid top dollar for your work! Since SO few people are using it, SO few people know what you will by the end of our Bootcamp. Making YOU and expert!
May 2nd UPDATE:
So I just spoke with Travis (creator of the course) and asked him where the hell is the course? He said things have been held up because of recent FB Bot Freeze... so course should start soon IF you've already registered, IF not, now would be a good time because it does look to be some good content... (fingers crossed)
Message from Travis:
"But yeah... the actual bootcamp doesn't start until (likely) next week because we held off during this whole "bot freeze"
Now that it's over, we're checking to make sure everything is good on our end... and then we will release the stage 1 content"
Free Online Bootcamp: Registration Is Open!
In 5 Videos I'll Show You How To Start A FREE Messenger Bot, Use It To Sell Basically ANY Product, AND How I'm Using This To Generate Over 22,000% ROI For My Products And Get Leads For As Little As .42 .37!
Everything You Need To Know To ACTUALLY Profit From Messenger Bots and Some Of My Most Profitable Secrets
Messenger is the hottest topic on the "block" right now but MOST people find it really hard to understand how to get started and what the rules are! I decided, why not fix that?
So I Created A 5 Day FREE Messenger Marketing Bootcamp!
I've been building a bot creation software for 2 years, in doing so we've experimented with EVERY NICHE. I've generated 3,200% ROI for an ecommerce store (turning $15 into $580 in 12 hours), Helped A Podcast Get 800+ live viewers, helped a local business get more clients, and even had a few campaigns of my own generating up to 22,000% ROI ($48.11 Spent -> $11,400 Made)... YOU NAME IT!
I figured, instead of charging people I'd rather help everyone get their bot business off the ground.
Here's just a BIT of what I'll be covering across the 5 Days:
How Bots Work: The reason MOST people aren't using Messenger bots is because they don't understand them. I'm going to be covering the basics and giving you all the rules you need to pay attention to.
How To Build A Profitable List Using Bots: Yes, a LIST. Like a REAL list that utilizes Messenger that can used to promote your products or services and it's SUPER profitable. We'll be covering multiple ways to go from 0-500+ subscribers QUICKLY. Once you have that list, I am going to teach you how to leverage it the RIGHT (and legal) way to start making more money!
How To Build A Bot Business: There are over 48,000,000 fan pages and only 200,000 (reported by Messenger themselves) are using bots right now. Once you see how amazingly powerful Messenger is, you'll also realize how easy it would be to help other businesses and get paid top dollar for your work! Since SO few people are using it, SO few people know what you will by the end of our Bootcamp. Making YOU and expert!
May 2nd UPDATE:
So I just spoke with Travis (creator of the course) and asked him where the hell is the course? He said things have been held up because of recent FB Bot Freeze... so course should start soon IF you've already registered, IF not, now would be a good time because it does look to be some good content... (fingers crossed)
Message from Travis:
"But yeah... the actual bootcamp doesn't start until (likely) next week because we held off during this whole "bot freeze"
Now that it's over, we're checking to make sure everything is good on our end... and then we will release the stage 1 content"