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Mosaizer XV+ 15.0 Build 52 WIN x86

A photo mosaic is a picture which is built from hundreds or thousands of miniature pictures.

Amazing. Ideal for T-shirts designs etc..

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Two apps in one really. One for stills and one for Video.

I added 6 extra library folders containing an extra 5600 tiny images to use. They need installing. PDF manual included. You'll need it. This app is more powerful than it looks.

Mosaizer Pro is an editing software that contains numerous functions that you can use to add mosaic and painting effects to images of your choice.The software utilizes 3D effects, textures, user made masks, bitmaps and post-processing filters to edit the photos. The software is also capable of recreating a picture from pieces of itself.

Because of its accurate and fast color matching capability, Mosaizer Pro is used by enthousiasts and professionals all over the world.




ENJOY..!! Perfect 10 Happydance
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