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Full Version: [GET] Wits Guts Grit: All-Natural Biohacks for Raising Smart, Resilient Kids
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"...[A] fascinating glimpse into how the natural world can bolster children's growth." -- Library Journal

Wits Guts Grit is inspired by the many questions acclaimed science writer and mother Jena Pincott explored about the natural forces that shape children's minds and health. What if we identify the microbes that support stress resilience and find ways to expose our kids to them? What if we reintroduce the mineral magnesium, deficient in almost every child's diet? Would it reduce anxiety and increase bounce back, as the science now suggests?

What if memory and learning could improve measurably after eating certain foods--such as blueberries--high in plant chemicals called flavonoids, or after certain forms of exercise? These and many more questions led Pincott to simple, all-natural "biohacks"--experiments inspired by current research and theory--complete with instructions on how to undertake them to help your own children strengthen their wits, guts, and grit.

Explaining the science and her own experimentation with her two gung-ho daughters in a lively, accessible way, Pincott shows parents how the underlying ingredients of the traits we all want for our kids--resilience, focus, perseverance, working memory, and more--may be all around us in the natural world, ready to be harnessed.

good share, reps added
excellent parental share, reps given
re up please
(09-15-2018 08:01 PM)markom970 Wrote: [ -> ]re up please

here you go

reps sent for the new link
re-up request

another re-up request for this one

Thank you for the share!!
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