Yes, the MF PDF in the OP still works...I'd been hoping for the EPUB from Wonderful Nancy to still be up, but its not.
(Be warned, a revealing excerpt follows...)
This book is 200+ pages long, and it takes until page 46 to get past the various bits of persuasion and anecdotal stuff - so, finding this (the meat of the matter), I'm posting it here as it is not extremely different from many other routines suggested by other schools of thought;
Fortunately it is not LOA, or I'd be moving along without reading any further:
Magic Button :
Quote: The Three Steps of the Miracle Mind Magic
Stimulator to Trigger Your Secret Mental Powers
You will create the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator with three
important steps. The three steps are very simple and very much
alike; but you will be taught how to intensify them, with a little
practice, so they can alter your body functions rapidly into the
right physiological language necessary for whatever secret mental
power you wish to trigger into action. Practice them alone in your
room, so that you can soon apply them readily in public.
Here, first, are the three easy, but fantastic, steps of the
Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator. Just read them through to begin
with, but then apply the steps in a regular, conscientious manner.
Step 1:
(a) Think of whatever goal, dream, or wish you want to
come true, for about five seconds.
(b) Immediately visualize it as coming true, and maintain
that vision for about four seconds.
Step 2:
(a) Think of that goal, dream, or wish again for about five
seconds. But this time dig deep into your conscious
mind for it and drag out its details.
(b) Immediately visualize it again as coming true, and
maintain that vision for about four seconds. But, vis
ualize it far more clearly and completely than before.
Let the details fit into it, as if it were actually occur
How to Unleash Your Secret Mental Powers
Step 3:
(a) Once more think of that goal, dream, or wish, for
about five seconds. But this time dig so deeply into
your mind for it that you extract every possible detail
about it.
(b) Immediately visualize it once more as coming true, and
maintain that vision for about four seconds. But,
visualize it so thoroughly in every detail that it seems
to “come true“ right before your eyes.
Those, simply explained, are the three steps of the Miracle
Mind Magic Stimulator to trigger your secret mental powers.
Could this be as effective and simple as it appears ??
I guess that depends upon the individual and their acceptance of the fact that everything begins as thought and that all is information and energy.
Not push-button simple, but very, very little in this life IS as simple as just pushing a button, so no surprise here.
(02-19-2019 11:03 AM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, the MF PDF in the OP still works...I'd been hoping for the EPUB from Wonderful Nancy to still be up, but its not.
(Be warned, a revealing excerpt follows...)
This book is 200+ pages long, and it takes until page 46 to get past the various bits of persuasion and anecdotal stuff - so, finding this (the meat of the matter), I'm posting it here as it is not extremely different from many other routines suggested by other schools of thought;
Fortunately it is not LOA, or I'd be moving along without reading any further:
Magic Button :
Quote: The Three Steps of the Miracle Mind Magic
Stimulator to Trigger Your Secret Mental Powers
You will create the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator with three
important steps. The three steps are very simple and very much
alike; but you will be taught how to intensify them, with a little
practice, so they can alter your body functions rapidly into the
right physiological language necessary for whatever secret mental
power you wish to trigger into action. Practice them alone in your
room, so that you can soon apply them readily in public.
Here, first, are the three easy, but fantastic, steps of the
Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator. Just read them through to begin
with, but then apply the steps in a regular, conscientious manner.
Step 1:
(a) Think of whatever goal, dream, or wish you want to
come true, for about five seconds.
(b) Immediately visualize it as coming true, and maintain
that vision for about four seconds.
Step 2:
(a) Think of that goal, dream, or wish again for about five
seconds. But this time dig deep into your conscious
mind for it and drag out its details.
(b) Immediately visualize it again as coming true, and
maintain that vision for about four seconds. But, vis
ualize it far more clearly and completely than before.
Let the details fit into it, as if it were actually occur
How to Unleash Your Secret Mental Powers
Step 3:
(a) Once more think of that goal, dream, or wish, for
about five seconds. But this time dig so deeply into
your mind for it that you extract every possible detail
about it.
(b) Immediately visualize it once more as coming true, and
maintain that vision for about four seconds. But,
visualize it so thoroughly in every detail that it seems
to “come true“ right before your eyes.
Those, simply explained, are the three steps of the Miracle
Mind Magic Stimulator to trigger your secret mental powers.
Could this be as effective and simple as it appears ??
I guess that depends upon the individual and their acceptance of the fact that everything begins as thought and that all is information and energy.
Not push-button simple, but very, very little in this life IS as simple as just pushing a button, so no surprise here.
I was reading this book recently and he continuously talks about using the conscious mind for change; no need for trance or hypnosis. However, the technique he describes (that smithnowt showed above) that one needs to do is visualization. Three stages of visualization; each one more in depth than the last. While the person is not being hypnotized, he actually is using his subconscious mind to create these changes in his life. Most Law of Attraction techniques use visualization to get the desired outcomes. This book is no different.