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Telecult Power: The Amazing New Way to Psychic and Occult Wonders
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Telecult Power is a method you can use to bring about any goal you have - whether it be for wealth, love, or power - quickly, easily, by unobserved means. Telecult Power means, literally, hidden distance power! What Telecult Power means to you is this: now you may bring about any event or condition you desire, through certain hidden powers revealed in these pages! For example, You'll discover... * How to hear the thoughts of others with a Mental Earphone! * How to see beyond walls and up close over great distances with a Psychic Televiewer! * How to broadcast silent commands - Hypnospells - with the amazing Hypno-Phone! * How to teleport the object of your desires to you, from an invisible world, with a Tele-Photo Transmitter! and still that's just the beginning! For Telecult Power gives you Power Beyond Belief! It's all spelled out for you, step-by-step, in plain English, in these startling pages!
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