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Ultra-Deep Meditation - Binaural Beats

Instantly meditate deeper than ever before...

Quick Facts
Length of recording: 45 minutes
Technician: George Torrez

Use the Ultra-Deep Meditation CD for:
Instantly obtaining guru-level meditation states
Calm mind thinking, total big picture clarity
Ensuring you don't fall asleep during meditation
Discovering more about the inner you, through relaxation
Increasing your IQ

Ultra-Deep Meditation - Instructions

Using the Ultra-Deep Meditation couldn't be simpler!

Like all our binaural beat recordings, simply slip on your stereo headphones and press the "Play" button on your CD player. The binaural beats will automatically begin affecting your brainwaves, and you'll soon realize the benefit - ultra-relaxing meditation and pure clarity of mind!
Ultra-Deep Meditation - Your Experience
Your meditative patience is limited. You simply can't afford to spend every single day meditating for hours on end. Life just isn't like that!

But still, some part of you yearns for spiritual utopia, a centered and content inner-self... a state of mind, body and soul that only a master of meditation can attain after years of practice, after years of "settling" and training the mind.

Today, however, it's easy. You just get into a comfortable position and begin playing your binaural beat recording. Slowly, your mind becomes more and more still. With most meditation CDs, you'd be asleep by now... but not this time. You're perfectly aware of the cool serenity of everything, everywhere. Suddenly the world is clearer and your mind is totally calm... this is meditation like you've never known it. It's real meditation, the sort of meditation that takes years to master.
After 45 minutes, you feel yourself being lifted. Your spirit, your mood, your entire atmosphere is rushing with power and beauty. The time passed so quickly! And, for once, you can't wait for your next ultra-deep meditation session. It's not a chore, it's a true daily treat!
Super thanks, repped
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