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I want to connect my Xamarin Forms app to REST API

In less than 3hours, learn how to create a REST API with ASP.NET Core and call it from Xamarin Forms app (iOS and Android)

Created by Houssem Dellai

What Will I Learn?
- Develop mobile app prototype
- Understand how REST web services works with mobile apps
- Implement CRUD operations' calls with user interface

- 2.5 hours on-demand video

Last updated 3/2018
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2h 18m total length
4.3 Instructor Rating 994 Reviews 19,004 Students 4 Courses | Very good rated instructor!
4.2 (131) course ratings | Very good rated course!
4,230 students
Created by Houssem Dellai: Currently working at Microsoft, ex Microsoft MVP
Last updated 3/2018
CC English [Auto-generated]

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