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Quote:Hereward Carrington was a noted Psychical researcher and author of many books on psychic subjects. Sylvan Muldoon was a young man who had the ability, since childhood, to leave his body and travel around to other places. This book was first published in 1929, long before the current interest in Astral Projection, and is a classic in its field. Subjects covered include different types of astral projection, the astral cable, the hypnagogic state, falling and flying dreams, dream control, cosmic energy, telekinesis, consciousness, methods of projection, and more. This book is quite complete and densely written, much of it in the first person by Mr. Muldoon. The only criticism I really have is the tendancy for Mr. Muldoon to say, in effect, "Well, you probably won't believe me, but...." Remember, this was written in the first part of this century, before the New Age had captured public attention.

Quote:Im in the middle of reading this book. Just as intense and detailed as Projection Of The Astral Body book.

I'll be sharing "Projection Of The Astral Body" next

Quote:Hereward Carrington gave in this book the oportunity (for the reader) to Mr. Sylvan Muldoon tell us his experiencie on astral projection, from a practical point of view, from someone gifted to have it early in age. Mr. Muldoon could not control when or how it was happenning and his many years practical work and experiencies, managed to learn how to do it, by will, and to see what really matters to teach others how to make it. This is the truly value of this book: a life experience on how to make it work.


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