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Sales Page:


File name:G-Revolt.pdf
Submission date:2012-01-05 17:40:16 (UTC)
Current status:finished
Result:0/ 43 (0.0%)
This is Version 1 am i correct ? Only have 26 pages.

The updated version 2 has 34 pages.
ive just bought it from the wso and it says its the updated one so im sure it is the updated one.

Edit: just checked it out and it seems the old one, ill contact him and make sure i get the updated one and post it here.
Strange...The sales thread at there shows that there are 34 pages. Some review copies were given.

Edit = Maybe seller gave you the OLD COPY Version 1 ! LOL , you might want to Verfiy with the Author again....

Look here

It is the updated 2012 copy, the old one required scrapebox and this one doesnt, thats why this one is shorter.
Hi [b]bu11d0g

Thanks, I am looking for this pdf and found it today.

Ha Ha..That means the review was for the OLD Version 1 :)
Edited to protect the innocent lol
gud share mate! rockon!!
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