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Full Version: [GET] Overpowered : What Science Tells Us about the Dangers of Cell Phones and Other WIFI-Era Devices
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Keys, wallet, cell phone . . . ready to go! Cell phones have become ubiquitous fixtures of twenty-first-century life—suctioned to our ears and stuck in our pockets. Yet, we’ve all heard whispers that these essential little devices give you brain cancer. Many of us are left wondering, as Maureen Dowd recently asked in the New York Times, “Are cells the new cigarettes?”

Overpowered brings readers, in accessible and fascinating prose, through the science, indicating biological effects resulting from low, non-thermal levels of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (levels considered safe by regulatory agencies), coming not only from cell phones, but many other devices we use in our homes and offices every day.

Dr. Blank arms us with the information we need to lobby government and industry to keep ourselves and our families safe.

Great share SS. I'm not convinced that cell phones are safe. I know a study a few years said they were safe, but the study was done by a cell phone company, well,duh..of course they were going to say their safe.
Awesome share StillStanding! Thanks and reps given.
Very important share. I see so many people that you would swear they have their cell phone glued to the side of their head.
Thank you. Repped.

With billions of dollars to spare and powerful lobbying, cell and wireless companies could prevent any legislation from seeing the light of day which harms their self-interests!
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