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Full Version: [REQ] Kindle Million-dollar-publishing-plan
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Please share this Product..
Must have!
Nothing here, I purchased and requested refund, which he wont' honor. He blocked access before I could get videos which is nothing new from his old training. If you already have the Kindle 100K publishing plan already shared here, you have everything.
Price is now $997 and $1997 and he won't even refund $99.
That's crazy.

Is the guy / his method legit? I've seen the vids of him logging into his account to show his sales, and they seem on the level.

But then again, I watched the 100k video and when going over KW research, he was recommending targeting author names and other titles. Maybe I'm just uninformed (I've been out of the kindle game a while), but how are you gonna center your new title / listing around a different author's name?
thank you very much
Here it is

PHP Code: 
(07-25-2018 05:16 PM)Jeffrey123 Wrote: [ -> ]Here it is

PHP Code: 

I get this message "Sorry but your accessing a page(s) that is no longer accessible for public!"

How do I access that page?
Rep Bumps!
Please Reup
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