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Here's new links:

Front End Videos:

Magic Button :
https://{{{Blocked by Omni Potens, - GB hijacking link to a site + collecting email address /document/d/1N9YY5WGHeKW6nafqOzU-mSbbX30wwp324-wUfkE85zs/edit
Any affiliates pitching this guy should be unsubscribed...
Thanks for sharing repped.
(02-24-2018 06:03 AM)solar33 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Rosie,
Thanks for the share. Reps coming for you.

However, I won't be downloading this product from this thieving scumbag Christian Gasper (aka, Allen Martin, Allan Martin, John Malcolm, Mark Newman, Jonny West etc etc)

That ahole is way beyond being just an average low-life scammer.

About 2 years ago Allen Martin as he was known then - real name Christian Gasper - decided to turn rogue and just start stealing money from people. He took hundreds of dollars from hundreds of people with his bogus DFY scams. He is currently under investigation by Police in Germany and the UK.
He took $997 from my son even though he knew it was his only savings.

He has been called out on this forum before...

...but it is worth mentioning again.

Look for post number 8 from Razmataz13. I think Razmataz13 must be on the website that was set up for Gasper's victims to gather and exchange information, as I am too.

I don't know what the product is like but I warn anyone having anything to do with Christian Gasper to think twice. The man is a real POS.

I helped get him kicked off of Warrior Plus just last year. I have no idea how he managed to get back in again. It speaks volumes about the ethics of the W+ admins. It looks like it's time to start rattling cages again.

Thanks again Rosie for the share. Always appreciated.

Wow! Thank you Solar33 and Razmataz13 for informing us about this person.

This Allen Martin guy needs to remember the old saying:

"You Reap What You Sow"

His day is coming soon and it's going to be terrible.
This Actually Could Have Been A Decent Product If The Idiot Who Made It Had Built It Around Actual Click By Click ScreenShots Of Of The Actual Specific WebSites And Platforms That Enabled Each Phase Of The Process To Work . Yet Another Example Of Information In Principle Rather Than Specific Steps .
Above Product DL Links Non-Functional .
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