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Full Version: [GET] WSO OF THE DAY - Evolution Affiliate - From 0 to $313.46 in 72 hours?
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thx for share.
+10 reps
I will loved if u can share the OTOs.
THx in advanced.
Appreciate The Share!!! Thanks!!! +5 Reps Added For You!
Thanks +Reps Added
thANKS and Reps.
And OTO would be great too.
anyone can share the oto´s ?
great share.
Awesome share, the problem is with FB they susspend my account hope you have advice for that?
the only note I have about this WSO is that I don't agree with sending paid traffic to other people's videos or using the redirect plugin there has to be a better idea!!
(02-24-2018 11:37 PM)uwa223 Wrote: [ -> ]From reading the sales page I concluded that this is another one of those products that can and eventually will get your Facebook account shut down. Telling people that they can promote CPA or Clickbank offers and link directly to them using Facebook ads is extremely bad advice. The creator of this product is telling most people what they want to hear..... make lots of cash in a few hours - without having to build a website and without building a list.

As a marketer, you will always be building a list - whether you want to or not. If you are not building a list of your very own .... then .... you are building the lists of the owners of the products you are promoting. Which list do you want to build?

Best Wishes.

not that I'm disagreeing with you, but he mentioned not to directly link and is cloaking the link from clickmagick through a custom domain, I find all these courses are just a carbon copy of the last successful course, he says this is a new method and it is not a new method.
Thanks for your sharing. Anyways, did you have a final video in module 7?
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