Excellent work! Repped!!!
What is the workflow you use - make a pencil (or charcoal?) sketch and then use edge detection in PS?
Would love to see the original drawings as well!
Thank you for sharing the workflow as well as the original sketches.
WOW! WOW!! and WOW!!!
Hats off to you. You are one amazing artist!
(02-19-2018 01:25 AM)feefiefohfum Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you for sharing the workflow as well as the original sketches.
WOW! WOW!! and WOW!!!
Hats off to you. You are one amazing artist!
You're welcome .THANK You very much for kind words.
thank you so much for sharing the drawings They inspire
(03-01-2019 01:57 PM)bigbaddog Wrote: [ -> ]thank you so much for sharing the drawings They inspire
Glad you to hear that because that l sharing .BBHF gives me to much.
You're most welcome .