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This book is amazing. Naisha is brilliant. This is not yet another Law Of Attraction book. This is a comprehensive "how to" heal your Abundance Consciousness. This is such an important book for any and all people, those who have wealth and perceived "abundance" as well as those who continue to struggle with it who are stuck in a sense of lack and scarcity. This book will help heal the roots of all imbalances, not just financial. In fact money is such a small part of it all. This is about Universal Love and the true meaning of Abundance and how it is our divine birthright to create from that Love; an endless, limitless supply of creative energy from the Divine Creator itself. Do yourself a great service and buy this book. It is an instant download so you can have it right away. No need to wait for shipping. Start living your life from a heart centerd consciousness. This isn't about positive "thinking" it is about positive "feeling" and that makes all the difference!

Awesome share Nancy. Rep added.
I normally don't share books that say "free" right in the front as most of those are not very good but this one appears to be exceptional. That's why I decided to share it, regardless. :)
Is there any way we could get a re-up on this one?
PQ :)
Greetings to All, and...
Awesome share > Thank You!
Max reps blasted out your way Happydance
Thanks Nancy !!
(+Rep added, as always.)

Interesting author - Samaya K. Aster aka Naisha Ahsian:
Thanks for the re-up and reps added!

(07-16-2019 03:52 PM)Nancy857 Wrote: [ -> ]Reup:


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