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The #1 national bestseller that launched a fabulous French Revolution about how to approach healthy living: the ultimate non-diet book—now with more recipes.

French women don’t get fat, even though they enjoy bread and pastry, wine, and regular three-course meals. Unlocking the simple secrets of this “French paradox”—how they enjoy food while staying slim and healthy—Mireille Guiliano gives us a charming, inspiring take on health and eating for our times. For anyone who has slipped out of her Zone, missed the flight to South Beach, or accidentally let a carb pass her lips, here is a positive way to stay trim, a culture’s most precious secrets recast for the twenty-first century. A life of wine, bread—even chocolate—without girth or guilt? Pourquoi pas?

Max reps added, Stillstanding. I was looking for this exact book several weeks ago. :)

PDF Version:
Cool book, thanks for posting it....

If you permit me some comment ( am French Native and living in France ) , i would recommend to take the AFFIRMATIVE Title with a pinch of salt...

More and more people in France are reaching the FAT Zone, even if not the HUGE FAT one.....

Lots of McDo, Flunch and Quick "restaurants" are invaded by young parents with their young children, and americanized food is more and more appreciated...

Please, just type EXACTLY the following sentence i have just tested ( minutes ago ) in GOOGLE :

obesity stats for french women 2017

I have found FUNNY to extract the following part from the article posted on the 1st site above :

"...... The reputation that the French have slim waistlines appears overblown with new figures revealing that around half of adults in the country are overweight, and one in six registering as obese.
The French, if the reputation is to be believed, manage to keep perfect waistlines all their lives.

Perhaps it's to do with the fact they are credited for having the best eating habits in the world and perhaps even the world's best school lunches?

But new figures suggest the longstanding reputation, that has been the subject of books like Why French Women don't Get Fat, is more myth than reality (or perhaps just based on a wealthy Paris elite)........"

Well, the journalist is doing a citation of the book posted in this thread....

Trust me ( or NOT ), "Despite a famous weight-loss book (and popular culture) claiming the contrary, it turns out that French women do get fat after all." ( citation from the 3rd site.... )


PS : and, also, just to the contrary beliefs of foreign people, quite a large percentage of French are not really eating "healthy" food....At least old generations....

The FOOD sensuality is very developed here, and is extremely hard to overcome or control....

My 0.00000002cents, of course, i am just an observer....

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