Reps added and thanks for the share!
wow this huge!! Rep +1 added
what's the bonus about?
(02-06-2018 01:03 AM)brave knight Wrote: [ -> ] this huge!!
That's what she said
It's Monday morning and a client just paid up on 5k they owed us so I'm in an extra good mood this morning!
Thanks for the share X-SLAYER. +5 reps for you!
Thanks for the links, these photo's look really good quality and different to the usual crap that's available everywhere. Reps added with thanks :)
EDIT: After downloading these files, have to say that they are not as good as I had expected from looking at the sales page, there's a lot of average to poor photo's there so, if your not too desperate for photo's, in my opinion, no need to make a special effort to download these and waste a lot of disk spce and bandwidth downloading. Apologies to OP but I know there is a lot of people here who have very slow internet connections and just trying to save them hours of downloading for something thats average quality at best.
Warning : 2 files are broken so far save your time!!
Guys! Hope if there another collections like these stock images share links plz.