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Check out How to get Newspaper 8 WordPress Theme for free and How to Activate Newspaper 8 Theme without Activation code. Here we’ve provided trick to activate Newspaper 8 with out activation code. You can get Free Newspaper 8 by tagDiv, wordpress theme at Chupach Thread. A most significant issue is that with a file of the free theme does not provide activation code or envato purchase code with this because Newspaper theme activates with server core, so one activation key not works much time, so that’s way with file not provide code. You need Newspaper Theme Activation code. Only legal buyers can get Activation code through account/email verification.

About Newspaper Theme by tagDiv

The theme is blazing fast. It’s really incredible how fast the pages built with Newspaper load. As you know, speed is very important when building a site so we’ve spent a huge amount of time optimizing this theme for Newspaper to load extremely fast.

More info about Newspaper
  • Built for newspaper sites, article sites and review sites
  • Custom colors, selectable for each category
  • Fast loading newspaper section
  • Responsive design
  • Simple to use – basically all the newspaper sections are customizable from the
  • admin. You can have different layouts for each newspaper category.
  • Ideal for article sites, review sites, news, newspaper and more

Newspaper WordPress Theme Activation Code Free

You don’t need any Activation code to Activate Newspaper 8 Themes.

Earlier there is a different method to activate Newspaper 8 theme. But recently the theme version has updated and that bug has fixed in New Newspaper 8 version.

New Method to Activate Newspaper 8 Theme

Step 1 : Download and Extract Newspaper 8 Theme
Step 2 : Now Go to includes > wp_booster
Step 3 : Find and open td_wp_booster_functions.php file
Step 4 : Just Scroll Down few lines , You will see code like

require_once('td_social_icons.php'); // no autoload (almost always needed) - The social icons
require_once('td_js_buffer.php'); // no autoload - the theme always outputs JS form this buffer
require_once('td_unique_posts.php'); // no autoload - unique posts (uses hooks + do_action('td_wp_boost_new_module'); )
require_once('td_module.php'); // module builder
require_once('td_block.php'); // block builder
require_once('td_first_install.php'); // no autoload - the code that runs on the first install of the theme
require_once(""td_fonts.php""); // no autoload - fonts support
require_once('td_js_generator.php'); // no autoload - the theme always outputs JS
require_once('td_block_widget.php'); // no autoload - used to make widgets from our blocks
require_once('td_background.php'); // background support - is not autoloaded due to issues

Step 5 : Now remove the line require_once(‘td_cake.php’);from above code and save it.

step 6 : Now again convert Newspaper 8 folder into a Zip format.

step 7 : Now you can upload it to WordPress

That's it. Now you can use Newspaper 8 theme for free without any activation code.

How to Activate Newspaper 8 WordPress Theme

First Download Original File of Newspaper 8 WordPress Theme
Two Methods of Activation Newspaper Theme

First Method:

First of all go to this path in Newspaper 8.6 theme folder includes/wp_booster/td_cake.php.
Open td_cake.php file in any PHP editor.

function td_cake_manual($s_id, $e_id, $t_id)

and change below code

if (md5($s_id . $e_id) == $t_id) {
    return true;
} else {
    return false;

if ($e_id == """" and& $t_id == ""BestBlackHatForum"") {
    return true;
} else {
    return false;
  • Then open “your_site/wp-admin/admin.php?page=td_cake_panel” in your browser and then click on Manual activation and Enter below code

Envato Purchase Code:
Activation Key: BestBlackHatForum

After entering This code, Your theme successfully Activate.

Second Method:
Apply above method but change above code with

if (md5($s_id . $e_id) == $t_id) {
    return true;
} else {
    return true;

After this when you enter any Envato Purchase Code and Activation Key then correctly Activate without any error.

Get Newspaper 8 theme here at Chupach Thread
Thanks for your referred. On new method step. We can remove entire td_cake.php's contents instead of remove it from td_wp_booster_functions.php file. Btw, all methods above are works like a charm.
sorry but none of the method worked for me, followed all steps, but on activation screen it keeps trying to activate with no error and unable to activate. Whats else could be done?
Another method which i'm using for my friend

Open includes/wp_booster/td_api.php
Find on line 1875 or nearby
Quote: require_activation

Change to and save
Quote:'require_activation' => false,

Open includes/wp_booster/td_ajax.php
Quote:static function on_ajax_check_envato_code()

Replace to
'envato_check_failed' => false,
'envato_check_error_code' => '',
'envato_code' => '',
'envato_code_status' => 'valid',
'envato_code_err_msg' => '',
'forum_check_failed' => false,
'used_on_forum' => false,
'theme_activated' => true

Quote:static function on_ajax_manual_activation()

Replace to
'envato_code' => '',
'theme_activated' => true

Quote:static function on_ajax_db_check()

Replace to
'db_is_set' => true,
'db_time' => 0

Save file and enjoy
Thanks and rep+ both @Chupach and HaselBiscuit for good info!
(02-06-2018 01:30 PM)Chupach Wrote: [ -> ]Another method which i'm using for my friend

Open includes/wp_booster/td_api.php
Find on line 1875 or nearby
Quote: require_activation

Change to and save
Quote:'require_activation' => false,

Open includes/wp_booster/td_ajax.php
Quote:static function on_ajax_check_envato_code()

Replace to
'envato_check_failed' => false,
'envato_check_error_code' => '',
'envato_code' => '',
'envato_code_status' => 'valid',
'envato_code_err_msg' => '',
'forum_check_failed' => false,
'used_on_forum' => false,
'theme_activated' => true

Quote:static function on_ajax_manual_activation()

Replace to
'envato_code' => '',
'theme_activated' => true

Quote:static function on_ajax_db_check()

Replace to
'db_is_set' => true,
'db_time' => 0

Save file and enjoy

Thanks a lot, this worked for me. Great

Quote:It's easier to do it this way:
the mentioned website requires id and pass to login, which is not shared. anyways thanks
Do you know how to activate BeTheme?
Wonderful share. Will try this one. Any method for Publisher or Betheme?
Wow, man, you lazy noobs keep appearing on this forum with no end in sight.
Here, you lazy noob who needs to be spoon-fed, is where the OP repeats the u/p later in his thread:


(02-07-2018 05:16 AM)shiva111 Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:It's easier to do it this way:
the mentioned website requires id and pass to login, which is not shared. anyways thanks
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