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Oops. Apparently, my "copy paste" of the title included a ton of characters that weren't supposed to be there and it forced my post to self-destruct. My apologies. :)

This book sells for $1,895.00 on Amazon.

[Image: 16146996.jpg]

This is the 2007 updated version of Alex Christopher's rare and explosive book Pandora's Box - The Ultimate Unseen Hand behind the New World Order (1993) which exposed the New World Order agenda from an unique point of view as no other book has ever done it before. This mammoth and heavily documented book uncovers the most hidden players behind the globalist agenda, find out what they have done in the past, what their plans are today and why they don't want you to know anything about it. About 620 pages. A must read for everyone who would like to know some of the underpinnings of control factors in western society. This is the book that drove the CIA crazy to the point where they raided the author’s house in 1994. The information in this book with the links to the gray men was released by the family that at one time controlled every form of transportation, Communication and banking in this country to only two people. One of the two people wrote Pandora’s Box. I understand that an update for PB-II is also in the works, as are other items by Alex Christopher.


Thanks for the nice share
Hi Nancy857

I agree @100000% with You about the importance of this book....

It is really a UNIQUE one, and you would deserve a REP of 100, i think, but with my modest Level, i can give only a max of 3....

Anyway, yes, 5 STARS....

Thnx again, and have a nice week-end

Thank you for the share!!!
Appreciate the share...
Thank you Nancy. Looks like it's going to be an "interesting" reading night.
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