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Full Version: [GET] AWAI - Masters Program for Six-Figure Copywriting 3.0
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Can I have links please ? I have prerequisites... Thanks.
pm sent aand thank you in advanced to LeggyAnita and j3zr33l then GordonShumway rep all of you
@GordonShumway: I also got one of those scary notifications in my Mediafire account. And every time I go to log in ... there it is. I simply close it. It scared me at first and I wondered how it was caught or reported.

Well, at least I'm in good company. For a moment, I thought I was being sued but it seems the file is simply no longer accessible for downloading.

PM Sent. Thanks!
PM Sent to LeggyANita - and max reps to OP, LA and j3zr33l
May be it won't last at Mega - so import it first and download from your own account.
Go here < Mega >
Thanks So Much for sharing. Great Share Much Appreciated. Big reps to you... "Piccasso"
reup please!
Do anyone still have this file and would like to pm a link or do a reup?
(06-26-2019 05:50 PM)TreeMan Wrote: [ -> ]Do anyone still have this file and would like to pm a link or do a reup?

If you want this ..ALL INFO IS IN POST 25 or see below!

(02-27-2018 01:33 PM)LeggyAnita Wrote: [ -> ]Guys, j3zr33l - has reupped (to Mega) both AWAI courses:

- AWAI - Masters Program for Six-Figure Copywriting 3.0
- AWAI - Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting

He/She has agreed I will give out the links, so just PM me for links, RULES:

You MUST be BBHF member and have minimum of 50 reps and be a member for a minimum of 1 year, this is to weed out the leechers/AWAI spies Lol !

You must agree to not to share these links with anyone or post on another forum and make/or import to your Mega account.

This way we have plenty of spare links should one link go down, also I won't be able to give out links daily as I'm not here always, however i should be able to give out links say once a week.

I do not want any reps - ALL REPS go to: j3zr33l AND GordonShumway.

DON'T be an A****** REP the guys above! As reps cost you NOTHING!
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