Hi Folks and thanks - it is good to see when folks read the threads rather than just grabbing stuff indiscrimately !!
Sort of, yes:
[quote='Rob Hood' pid='3227247' dateline='1609301820']
just wondering if you could publish your blacklist and whitelist ))[/quote]
No whitelist, sadly, and here is why:
I take this stuff on a case by case basis - when I check out the samples that is usually enough to see if something is purely krap, and then=>
Some presenters have many courses with only a few that are worthwhile, so one must exercise discernment.
Also - when a course is years old and has not been updated, many times the info in it can be outdated and thus worthless.
Here is what I'd posted about this matter before:
Adding to what was posted there:
1 - Basically all the krappy gurus have tried doing promos via pewdemy;
2 - There's lots and lots of PLR re-posted there wherein the speaker is clearly like a US DJ - but the poster is some totally foreign guy and its easy to tell 'cuz it is way to polished and the poster NEVER makes any appearance in it;
3 - Interviewers - in the simplest terms - most of 'em totally suck 'cuz that stuff is based upon questions asked by a guy with a good voice who usually knows NOTHING about what he is asking about himself - so it is just time wasted;
4 - Folks like this Roope guy - who works so hard at getting you so excited to run right to his site and buy his FULL course, which is likely just as useless as the pewdemy sales pitch for it.
The only folks who MIGHT be any good at teaching REAL SKILLS are those who excel at their occupation or hobby and are making a gift to the world of their compiled knowledge with NO SALES PITCHING !!!
(If a pewdemy poster tries selling you ANYTHING - BE WARY !!)
Some of the free courses are actually that excellent - and some few of the paid courses we get coupons here for are also good uses of time - but not too many, really.
If a 'course' is just re-posted YT videos - that is a dead giveaway;
Another cutesy bit of rubbish is when the 'instructor' just dictates the content of some book as a 'course'.
There's loads and loads of purely useless krap at pewdemy, and collecting 10,000 courses does NOT make anyone any better at doing anything other than mostly collecting krap.
Here are a couple of other threads by me which may be helpful for some folks here:
I've also posted into some F4LT threads when the share is just krap, but not so many anymore because I got really disgusted with krap-filled pewdemy and stooopid skillshare 'cuz so much of the stuff is just so poor and useless.
Some black-listable names from this thread now:
Liaqat Eagle'
jarad fitz
Jarred Wesley
Federico Fort
AlPacino Productions
Cedenheim Publishing
Scott Paton (member scottp1956 ??)