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Quote:I have been fascinated about lucid dreaming since it first happened to me 11 years ago and then was occurring occasionally maybe once a month or so on average. I read everything I could find about the subject, books, articles, techniques, videos, discussed with people, bought Nova Dreamer mask, built a few my own masks (more comfortable), tried several computer programs (also my own), binaural beat entrainments and others. All of the above was aimed at achieving awareness during normal dreaming, and although it worked occasionally, overall it was disappointing because nothing could be repeated more then once in a short time period.

This book brings a very practical set of steps, and it describes techniques which I have not found ever before: deepening and maintaining the phase (lucid dream). And detailed instructions about Indirect Technique (practiced in the morning after awakened) which I found the most valuable because it works! During last 10 days I had lucid dreams on 4 days, today I had 3 occurrences in the morning, that makes it total 7. According to the author more is possible, but if I compare to what I was able to achieve before, then this is simply amazing.

I can say for sure - this is the best practical book about lucid dreaming and OBE. Highly recommended.

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