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Full Version: {get} AppStore - iOS Apps Affiliate Script
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[Image: 1516595554_appstore.jpg]

Discovering amazing apps has never been this fun, with the AppStore script you can have an instant and fully automated apps affiliate website filled with the latest and most popular apps.

[url=https://Blocked by TECH N9NE as "spam site"/x3]DEMO AND MORE INFO[/url]
[url=https://Blocked by TECH N9NE as "spam site"/Du]DOWNLOAD[/url]


[Image: 1.gif]
Thanks bud appreciated and max reps 2 ya also virus total
0 / 56
No engines detected this file
SHA-256 fae57f4f69daff5057957a39f85265b926b09ad4de968c91c2ec3aa42c31f91c
File name appstoreios.rar
File size 291.57 KB
Last analysis 2018-01-22 16:58:37 UTC
WOW nice thanks a lot ! reps added
thanks reps added ......
This script can't work totally on SSL. Because the Apple's API not allowed to get ssl image url. So we need to customize the script by converting image to Data URIs or other solutions you have.
Thank you wwmac for this share, and thank you HaXoR7 for the mirror link!

The SolidFiles link is still working:


Max reps to you both! ;0)
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