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Quote:Jeffery Mishlove is one of those rare people who isn't afraid to stand up and tell things like they really are - regardless how much it may irk the would-be-gods of academia and other such hyper-indoctrinated priests of science. Read his books.

Also, has anyone else ever wondered why Reed Business Information, Inc., seems to have such a stranglehold on book reviews? Who bowed down and proclaimed them experts on everything anyway? Personally, whenever I encounter a poor or questioning book review from RBI and their cronies - I take that as a good sign in favor of the book or author.

Remember, scientism is inherently hostile towards all things outside its very limited parameters of comprehension, and scientists hold nothing sacred - except for the Holy Dollar Bill and science itself. And if you think scientism isn't a religion, just drill any given scientist with the tools of ethnomethodology and pull a little reflexivity into the discussion - and watch them froth at the mouth like their bible-thumpin' baptist counterparts that they hate so much (because they are exactly like them but just dressed differently. Scientists have a fetish for white labcoats).

Anyway, read Dr. Mishlove's books and enjoy them. They will deliver more food for thought in one book than most people will ever encounter during six years (or more) of kissing-up for a higher degree.

Remember that when you wake up.


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