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NotWorking Just FYI: NotWorking
If you have a look below the video, at Jono's aff. link...:
(01-22-2018 03:24 AM)qwe555 Wrote: [ -> ]For your reference:
Forward to his Bonus3 around 3min30 into his promo video
... actually all his bonuses sound awesome, but am especially
interested in his #3- hack to get unlimited adsense credit
I'm taking a wild guess that ANYONE implementing CD will want to know this #3 ...

Get Commission Drill +Bonuses Here: http bonuscrate com /g/2879/24155/
Is there - but folks in the comments clearly tell that it does not work as advertised and he has not replied with any solution.

The W+ sale page has a different price and goes only to the direct sale from Ivana so let the buyer beware !!
thanks a million for the share mobhugger, reps added
Has google's policy towards affiliate doorway pages changed in the recent past?
According to this course, having affiliate landing pages is the way to use adwords. However, for a long time now, google considers these stand alone landing pages as doorway pages and most often results in your account getting banned. Unless your landing page is part of complete website, with disclaimer etc on each page, this method would result in a ban.
I don't know if anything has changed recently, any updates would be helpful.
thanks mob hugger
THE methods in this by the moustache fellow delivering suck! Yes affiliate pages wont work!
bausad ram benchod
(01-22-2018 11:47 AM)davenor Wrote: [ -> ]Has google's policy towards affiliate doorway pages changed in the recent past?
According to this course, having affiliate landing pages is the way to use adwords. However, for a long time now, google considers these stand alone landing pages as doorway pages and most often results in your account getting banned. Unless your landing page is part of complete website, with disclaimer etc on each page, this method would result in a ban.
I don't know if anything has changed recently, any updates would be helpful.

+5 for the OP.

I also would like to know if this can currently be done with Adwords. The course is very thorough in my opinion but if you can't profit from it, it's worthless. Years ago I ran Adwords ads but got sick of the crazy rules and killing campaigns, ad and entire accounts.
Not a high quality course. He is not showing how to add placements.
It's same shit as their previous Courses like Cash Cannon , Instant Tube Raider as I shared here on BBHF already.

But, I checked the course. I thought he would cover something new, But there is no much new things.

BTW, I created a landing page for the exact product shown by seller and created an ad last night. Ad approved and got few impressions. He is telling to set bid $0.05. I got 0 impressions, After changed bid to $0.5 I got 300+ impressions. But, I just stopped the campaign and will make new on new product.

Here is the link for my landing page
Thank you for the shares mobhugger and menace-to-gurus + reps!
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