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Full Version: New Coin to make u 5000% invest now
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Hello everybody ! After our successful call of lindacoin that lasted 2 weeks, wich we reccomended and took it at 3 satoshi and brought it to 90 sat (ATH) alot of people has made huge profits off of this overall 2800 % increase, we are back again and as promised with a new coin that will FRESHEN UP your dead portfolio. Coin name: Mintcoin (MINT) Exchange: Cryptopia IT IS TIME TO BUY. THIS IS GOING TO BE HUGE! promoting will last 2 weeks or more, it will be most likely an overall increase of 5000%. NOTE: please do not sell early and then come up to me crying about your IMPATIENCE, or buy late and come up whining about your FEAR like some of you did with linda, so HOLD until i tell you when it's the right time to sell.
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