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Full Version: Envision v2.7.5 – Responsive Retina Multi-Purpose Theme
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Envision v2.7.5 – Responsive Retina Multi-Purpose Theme

[Image: 26765481596_6121c42b03_o.jpg]

Clean, Modern Design can be used for any type of website – Envision is a multipurpose WordPress template. Build professional and modern websites. Control every pixel of this theme. Set your colors, background patterns, change fonts, change layouts for different pages.

Version 2.7.5 (Jan 10, 2018)
Added: New options to show/hide the side panels in individual pages.
Added: Logical conditions for all navigation menu areas (primary, top bar, footer and sidebars).
Added: Page templates support for custom post types: post, page, product, portfolio, event.
Added: New option to show contents by given date range for the hidden content widget.
Fixed: Searching issue in the composer contents after WordPress 4.9.
Fixed: Excerpt limit issue with some html tags.
Fixed: The problem preventing Grid/List setting from being displayed.
Fixed: An issues when displaying WooCommerce cart totals.
Updated: Revolution Slider to the version

Link to download :
https://www.Blocked by TECH N9NE as "spam list monetization downloads"/lpcvsqme0nam
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