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Meir Schneider can see-and that's a miracle. Born without sight, Schneider refused to surrender to his blindness and instead began an intensive exploration of sight and self-healing systems. Building on techniques pioneered by William Bates, Meir Schneider created his own total approach for self-healing and used it to reverse his own blindness. On Miracle Eyesight Method, this respected mind-body authority teaches his innovative methods for improving your own vision naturally. Here is Schneider's unique, step-by-step approach for exercising your eyes back to health. Use these proven techniques to see your world with less strain, greater acuity, and a more spacious visual field. Whether you would like to throw away your glasses or simply enhance this precious aspect of your well-being, now you can- with Meir Schneider's Miracle Eyesight Method. Topics: The Bates method of eye exercises Healing your vision through deep relaxation Fully developing your brain's visual system Exercises for nearand farsightedness, cataracts, and eye fatigue, and much more.



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Thank you Brother. Awesome share. Repped you brother
Thx. Repped.

The course details on Sounds True mentions a PDF. Do you by chance happen to have the same?
Thank you for your time and effort in sharing this information that I'm sure would be useful to a lot of people suffering with eye problems. Repped.
Thanks for the nice share!

Repped to the MAX!
Thank you, reps added!
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