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[GET] 40 Milkshake Recipes: To Bring the Boys and Girls to the Yard - Happy National Milk Day!

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What did Cleopatra bathe in, England’s Elizabeth 1’s court use to send secret communications with, and Empress Elizabeth of Austria fast on for weeks on end? The answer is very simply; milk!

Every year on January 11th the nation celebrates National Milk Day when, 140 years ago to the day, people saw milk delivered for the first time in glass bottles.

Milk contains nine essential nutrients and is excellent for creating lots of other dairy products including yogurt, cream, butter, and ice cream.

To honor this year’s event celebrate with a creamy milkshake.

Why go out to a diner for a shake when you can create your own at home?

We have 40 marvellous milkshakes recipes to choose from, ranging from our kid-friendly Cotton Candy to our Over 21, boozy Buttered Rum Shake.

So, let’s raise a glass to National Milk Day and this wonderful food staple and say a big thank you to the dairy farmers all over the world who produce it for us!


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