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Full Version: [GET] Traffic Xtractor 2.0 ><Launch Date:2018-Jan-14
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Can anyone tell me if this software is worth purchasing? Does the creator update the software?

If this software is not very good, can someone recommend something that is better?
what is the license key?
(02-21-2018 11:12 AM)dannych Wrote: [ -> ]what is the license key?

Already posted answer. Read the whole thread, don't just quickly post questions that make you look like a lazy noob...
Hey salado, thanks for the share...but it's not working. I finally got the link that dosen't show a virus, but I need the login info. How is anyone else using this?
Newest version is 2.1.

Have sent link and PM'd Scorpio for possible nulling.
Newest version is 2.6

(02-21-2018 04:26 PM)CharlieBrown Wrote: [ -> ]Newest version is 2.1.

Have sent link and PM'd Scorpio for possible nulling.

Thank you CharlieBrown for contributing value to this thread. Much appreciated. Repped.
Thanks Happydance
Newest version is at least 3.0.
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6
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