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Just checking out some folders on the PC and found these from the '70's, 80's and 90's. Things were a little different then, though some things haven't changed much. (Experiencing feelings of nostalgia for those halcyon days...). - Okay, back to the present, rose tinted glasses removed.

An interesting read with some info still of use; maybe.

Zippy DLS:
Magic Button :
$25,000 Dollars For A Few Hours Work Doesn't Seem Fair!
1001 Ways to Market Your Book
How To Make $2000 A Week Selling Information By Mail
How To Make Money With Your Camera
How You Can Make A Fortune Selling Information By Mail
Secrets Of A Telephone Psychic
Stay Home And Make Money
It will be utter wickedness to you if i don't

Seriously, these are old books BUT they are full of RARE

THANKS once again.

VERY interesting! I actually had the money by mail one at one time (20 or so years ago).

Repped ya!
Hey do you still have it? Could you upload it? Thank you so much!
@GetStuffDone: Did you send a PM to the OP? Your post is from last Friday and already, today is mid-way another week. You may need to make him aware of your request.

A day or so ago, I sent rhqman a PM about an oldie-but-goody he provided back in 2018. It was this one, where he re-upped the file at post #5:

Write, Print and Publish Information for Profit - J.S. Blackwell
Magic Button :

I tried everything to find it on my own but when I learned the British publisher was no longer in business, I had little choice but to reach out to the original sharer. He was very gracious and accommodating to me and I appreciated that.

So I don't want to wear out my welcome by asking the same person for a re-up of a very old file back-to-back.

I know first-hand how frustrating it is to go searching through stored-away HDs for something you shared a long time ago.

If only the people who are so eager to click links would remember that it's not always someone else's role to mirror files, this blackhat forum would indeed be THE BEST.

Anyway... I tried to find each of rhqman's 7 Old Books. It didn't go well because the majority of them are now paperback only and at cost on and one was available for "borrowing" at --- a registered account is required on that site and they've changed things so that you only have several hours before it must be "returned" ---plus you'll need a particular reader (Adobe Digital Editions, if memory serves me, which is clunky to use and requires it's own online registration, as well). That makes it not worth the bother, to me.

I did manage to find 3 of the 7 Old Books over at but Kindle's DRM was recently updated (strengthened) so now I cannot use ePubor Ultimate to strip the DRM until their engineers can figure a working solution. In fact, it seems that the ebooks are readable only inside of the Kindle reader, which is how Amazon wants it.

Once ePubor updates their software, I will be able to convert and share these titles I do have...

* 1001 Ways to Market Your Book - John Kremer
* How to Make Money With Your Camera - Alan Bohms
* How You Can Make a Fortune Selling Information by Mail - Russ von Hoelscher

In the meantime, unless you've already done so, try a PM to rhqman.

for reading!
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