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[GET] Freud: The Making of an Illusion

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From the master of Freud debunkers, the book that definitively puts an end to the myth of psychoanalysis and its creator

Since the 1970s, Sigmund Freud’s scientific reputation has been in an accelerating tailspin―but nonetheless the idea persists that some of his contributions were visionary discoveries of lasting value. Now, drawing on rarely consulted archives, Frederick Crews has assembled a great volume of evidence that reveals a surprising new Freud: a man who blundered tragicomically in his dealings with patients, who in fact never cured anyone, who promoted cocaine as a miracle drug capable of curing a wide range of diseases, and who advanced his career through falsifying case histories and betraying the mentors who had helped him to rise. The legend has persisted, Crews shows, thanks to Freud’s fictive self-invention as a master detective of the psyche, and later through a campaign of censorship and falsification conducted by his followers.

A monumental biographical study and a slashing critique, Freud: The Making of an Illusion will stand as the last word on one of the most significant and contested figures of the twentieth century.


Yeah, have personally identified him, since 3 dozens of years as a scammer, and FAKE scientist.

He has invented pseudo-syndroms and all a Psy-system which was also a HUGE ALIBI to his own Weakness....

And, since these ALIBIS were fitting so "perfectly" to lots and lots of people, of course, he has gained Great popularity and has been acclaimed as a Genius...

We are in the Dark Age, and he has been the unconscious slave of the Illuminatis to help them in their Mind Dark Control.

LACAN ' french FAKE Scientist / psychiatrist ( Power / Money driven ) too, has of course, based all his "work" and career on Freud, since the road was wide opened.....Easy way .
DeVinci Thank you for your opinion. You are right A huge business based on falseness. Talking about France, I remember a french philosopher named Michel Onfray came out with a similar book. He was attacked extremely heavily in a country which says democracy and opinions are so important :)

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