The d/l info in the previous reply would be quite useful if it were universal, but it's not.
Must be dependent upon what OS and browser is in use.
I get the res choices, but no offer to d/l and IDM doesn't do it for that site either.
Good news though is that the account remains open, so I can get some use out of it !!

Thank you for sharing.
is anyone having problems with the site?
Here's how to capture download link of embedded Vimeo video easily :
1) let the video run for few seconds
2) hover yr mouse over the video and right click
3) menu will appear, choose "inspect Frame"
4) code source page will automatically build in the next tab
5) thoroughly seek the ".mp4" video link inside the page, choose your preferred resolutions (360/540/720/1080) .... if no mp4 link shows up repeat from step 3
5. Copy your preferred video link and paste it to your browser or IDM to download.
(01-09-2018 11:53 AM)I-Need-Money Wrote: [ -> ]is anyone having problems with the site?
cannot connect...yes
Yeaah, the site is taken down now
i'm guessing no one was able to download the videos before the site went down? the sales page is down as well
Works on my end. No issues.
But if you need the videos PM me, I went through a lot of trouble getting them.
Don't forget to REP the OP for sharing this with us.
(01-13-2018 01:48 AM)f@ckgurus Wrote: [ -> ]Works on my end. No issues.
But if you need the videos PM me, I went through a lot of trouble getting them.
Don't forget to REP the OP for sharing this with us.
Yes it went up again since 2 days ago.
It aint easy to download the videos (embedded viemo) using the trick I mentioned above because owner password-protected the video links, ... luckly my browser-integrated IDM could pick up the links well.