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Full Version: [GET] How To Make $100 An Hour Browsing Sites
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Opening disclaimer=>
I learned very quickly that it was best to bypass Skillshare altogether as most stuff there is someplace between being total junk and/or incomprehensible because of accents or terrible quality.

I made an exception and actually went through most of this out of sheer curiosity...and hardly believe that I did - and regretted having done so...why ??

The presenter's accent and diction are so hard to follow as to mostly provide a crashing headache.

The is also this, posted in the description=>
[quote]N.B.: The Lists of the sites are attached in wordpad.[/quote]
But it ain't there anyplace I could find - and I looked in all the places.

3 suggestions to the maker of this thing:
- If you claim to offer a document - make sure it is there;
- Hire a native english speaker to do your narrations to avoid angering your users;
- Provide a written list of all the sites mentioned, so that users can copy links and go right to them.

Truly - this thing could just be replaced with just a list of the sites anyhow, as a simple time saver - the 20+ minutes of getting that headache cannot be reclaimed !!!

I may just make that list to share here sometime later on - after the headache has passed.

My rating:
A very firm....Meh.
This class was removed by Skillshare... they check classes several days after publishing, not before.

Overall, I think class quality is improving, but still has some way to go.
Thanks "smithnowt" for taking the time out of your busy day for giving us that review. Sorry for the lost of your 20 min or so or your life and the headache. I know that time could have been spent more wisely. But unfortunately we wouldn't know if something actually works if we don't at least take a look at it. Max reps to you my friend.
that was just BS the course all about using test sites data entery that most of them are scam and never pay
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