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The EFT Wizard's Big Book of Tapping Scripts: 101 Life-Enhancing, Fear-Smashing, Mind/Body-Healing, Abundance-Attracting, And Joy-Inspiring Rounds of EFT

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101 tapping scripts (well over 300 pages!) garnered from various teleclasses by “EFT Wizard” Brad Yates. Filled with ideas and metaphors and life lessons, tapping along with these scripts will help you release limiting beliefs and enhance your ability to allow an ever-greater abundance of health, wealth and happiness in your life.

These contain more than simple tapping phrases. It’s like an interactive education in the Law of Attraction!


Nancy857 ... Giving you a bear hug! Thankx for the share. You're rep'd, too.
Thanks for share.

add +rep
MAX REPS, Thanks for the share Nancy.
Thank you Nancy. Great share. Really appreciated.
I love Brad Yates. This is a great share! Thank you!!
Appreciation and reps for this gem!
Dude, I LOVE Brad Yates! He has a BSFF tap that I did and I honestly was really moved by it. It was releasing in a way not much else has been even other Yates taps. Found out BSFF is by Larry Nims who was a student of Roger Callahan, the guy's whose other student, Gary Craig, created EFT. I put out a request looking for Lary Nims 8 set DVD and PDF and Roger Callahan's 5 Minute Phobia Cure which Nims credits with actually fixing phobias quickly and helping his patients.

Awesome add! + rep!
repp added
Reps added, thank you!!
Pages: 1 2 3
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