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Full Version: [FREE] Crypto ico Sphere - 271548 people have signed up for 100 SAT
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To Date: Dec 22, 2017
Countdown to Sphere ICO Launch in less than 36 days

20 SAT = $1 USD at the Initial Coin Offering.
The Crypto ico Sphere's giving 100 SAT tokens per sign up through the invitation link.

An eligible friend (a “Referred Friend”) must use the referral link sent by the Referrer to sign up on to instantly receive FREE 100 SAT.

Friendly referral link -

Soft message: Read the above and below why you should sign up via my special invitation link...
In the IM world, people should appreciate giving credit where credit is due.
I don't like to bring any bad memory with me like when someone shared useful thing to me without giving back. Human is nice! We should advise the IM world to learn something good in regard to this manner.

Have a great day!
Provide you with useful info, nothing to hide since this is FREE!

What do sats mean in Crypto Currency?
Cryptocurrency is produced by the entire cryptocurrency system collectively, at a rate which is prior defined and publicly known.

In centralized banking and economic systems such as the Federal Reserve System, governments control the value of currency by printing units of fiat money or demanding additions to digital banking ledgers.

However, governments cannot produce units of cryptocurrency and as such, governments cannot provide backing for firms, banks or corporate entities which hold asset value measured in a decentralized cryptocurrency. The underlying technical system upon which all cryptocurrencies are now based was created by the group or individual known as Satoshi Nakamoto.

Coin Exchange Rates
100 Satoshi = 0.01 US Dollar
200 Satoshi = 0.03 US Dollar
500 Satoshi = 0.07 US Dollar
1000 Satoshi = 0.13 US Dollar
more information
To Date: Jan 07, 2018
389877 people have signed up for SAT

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