12-22-2017, 07:06 AM
I'm not new here, but all the same - an introduction of a slightly different sort seems to be in order !!
(Reposting with permission from Lala from a previous thread that was entitled 'Recognition and Thanks')
There's a goodly bunch of folks here who seem to be just, well - tireless when it comes to sharing great and helpful stuff which benefits the rest of us here.
Just to be 100% clear - I say this as an ordinary, non-VIP user.
I suggest that these folks deserve all possible recognition and thanks for their extreme helpfulness in sharing, starting of course with...Layna61524 !!
These other folks always show up in the 'new posts' search - ALOT=>
There are also the tireless sharers of courses:
In the ebook realm - StillStanding is just amazing !!
There are also some truly amazing and clearly very experienced reviewers here who deserve our thanks and reps for their helpfulness.
Of course there are others who do so very much in their helpfulness, so I'll likely add some names here later, so anyone who has not been put in above, please do not take offense - this is just a start - and also an invitation to other ordinary members like myself to add their thanks to whomever they think highly of in replies here...because recognition of good works IS important !!!
Personally, I do thank sharers in their threads and also add rep as much as I am able to, until I run out of them each time I visit here.
I urge everyone to be as generous with giving reps as possible, all the time and use 'em right up until they get filled again the next day, or however that works !!
for reading and pitching in here, if'n you do.
(Reposting with permission from Lala from a previous thread that was entitled 'Recognition and Thanks')
There's a goodly bunch of folks here who seem to be just, well - tireless when it comes to sharing great and helpful stuff which benefits the rest of us here.
Just to be 100% clear - I say this as an ordinary, non-VIP user.
I suggest that these folks deserve all possible recognition and thanks for their extreme helpfulness in sharing, starting of course with...Layna61524 !!
These other folks always show up in the 'new posts' search - ALOT=>
There are also the tireless sharers of courses:
In the ebook realm - StillStanding is just amazing !!
There are also some truly amazing and clearly very experienced reviewers here who deserve our thanks and reps for their helpfulness.
Of course there are others who do so very much in their helpfulness, so I'll likely add some names here later, so anyone who has not been put in above, please do not take offense - this is just a start - and also an invitation to other ordinary members like myself to add their thanks to whomever they think highly of in replies here...because recognition of good works IS important !!!
Personally, I do thank sharers in their threads and also add rep as much as I am able to, until I run out of them each time I visit here.
I urge everyone to be as generous with giving reps as possible, all the time and use 'em right up until they get filled again the next day, or however that works !!