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Full Version: [GET] Facebook Viral App - Make loads of money on facebook
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Did you ever dream to get a viral app fully integrated to the Facebook experience? You’ve got it. With this app you can let you users connect with their Facebook account before being able to access a reserved content (video, article, download link…).

- Get and store in your database the users email
- Be able to post a message on your users Facebook wall
- Be able to send an email to your users
- You can send message to only one, or a selected group of users !
- Preview any user data stored in the database (email, name, birthday etc
- Build-in tool to export your users data into a CSV format
- Automatic autopost on your users Facebook wall when they first connect
- Automatic send a defined email to your users when they first connect
- Ability to delete the users from the backend interface
- Customize the content reserved for connected users right from a backend form
- When posting on users Facebook wall, you can also define a link and/or an image (with the message).
This app can get you more traffic, features a proven way to get your real users email, and can be a base for your promotional and marketing projects.

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http://www.*marked as SPAM* by Direct Download/showthread.php?2363-Facebook-Viral-App-Make-loads-of-money-on-facebook-!

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