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Full Version: [Get] How To Make Money In Embarrassing Niches
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Enjoy the share Happydance and mirrors please Thanks
Reps added for sharing, although the info is from 2014!
(12-15-2017 04:42 AM)cotros Wrote: [ -> ]Reps added for sharing, although the info is from 2014!

Embarassment is evergreen.
(12-15-2017 04:42 AM)cotros Wrote: [ -> ]Reps added for sharing, although the info is from 2014!

Pretty sure hemorrhoids are still embarrassing.
Thanks (((alekxi88))) >>> +5 reps for you.

Yes (((ccpp11))), hemorrhoids are embarrassing, especially if you like to MOON people! 5surprised
4 videos, each of them below 1 minute *lol*
(12-15-2017 04:42 AM)cotros Wrote: [ -> ]Reps added for sharing, although the info is from 2014!

I see this statement on alot of shares that isn't today's date, that's the most common misconception you can have of any share, alot of what works today are methods from 2006-07 that have been repurposed and updated using today's resources. There's nothing new under the sun, just how you do it and how it gets done. Build the better mouse-trap.

Stop looking at the date of things and deeming it un-useful because it isn't time stamped with todays date. Even from crappy shares and BS you can learn from because it will increase your knowledge. Some things are ever green and timeless, YES some things that are old and useless referring to resources that may be defunct, use your brain and supplement it with something that is around now.

You can check out funnels, graphics, ad copy, from "crap" and still learn something.

Open up your mind and stop breeezing through things looking at the date. You don't want copy-paste methods, because everyone and their mother will be copying and pasting the same shit getting the same results, always you use brain and add your own twist. MAX REPS To OP for the EVERGREEN SHARE
Actually this is pretty cool thank for share
Thank you. Thank you Alekxis88 Repped.
Thank you Alekxis88. May the FORCE be with you to guide and protect. Repped.
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