12-14-2017, 01:58 AM
Hey Fellow Blackhatters,
I have something really special for you today!
Unless you've been living under a rock you've probably seen crypto is on FIRE!
I know I'm watching my holdings with a big grin!
You wouldn't be here if you didn't want something for nothing right?
How about the opportunity to mine crypto coin 100% free?
All you need is a WordPress website... you don't even need content!
Want to know more? Check out this video:
Now I know what you're thinking... What makes this BSO so special?
First off, there is no other software out there that prints money like this!
You literally share links and watch you XMR value grow on almost auto-pilot.
I say almost, because you do have to copy and paste and create new links!
Imagine how many links you would create if you were printing money like this.
Introducing Crypto Jacker
Because this is the BBHF forum I know you want to do your due diligence.
Is Crypto-mining profitable? You betcha, like crazy, do some google research!
Can you really mine crypto-currency from your website?
Yes using a browser miner you can mine crypto-coins using your CPU.
How much can I earn from this?
With the value of crypto-currency constantly going up your earnings potential increases every day that you use the software. Obviously this depends on two things, the amount of traffic you get to your links. And how long they stay.
I suggest promoting links where people spend a lot of time playing games, watching movies, any site that can be iFramed can be hijacked and shared for profit with Crypto Jacker!
We've also included several features you'll love like social cloaking (your links will look like the original site when shared on social networks like facebook, twitter and Google +). Watch this demo to see it in action:
And stealth mode that lets you hide your mining script when a variable isn't passed... Like a keyword for paid ads. I've used this to avoid detection and gain approval on Adwords and Bing for years without a problem. Reviewers look at the link and see nothing, but when the campaign is live BOOM! Your miner is running to the people clicking the ads.
Special BBHF Discount Coupon Code: BBHF20 Saves You 20% Off!
Crypto Jacker mines Monero (XMR) which is a top 10 digital currency that's constantly going up in value. If you believe Crypto is a bubble you should do your research because there is no end in sight. Maybe some day this thread will be a dinasaur and you'll be able to say I told you so but until then we're cashing in and you could be a part of it!
Click the button above and take action I'll see you on the other side!
P.S. When you sign up you'll get several bonuses included Crypto Locker which allows you to lock content on your site in exchange for mining Monero. And Crypto Currency Secrets a video course, with supporting materials and audio available. You'll also get two guides, one on how to set up Crypto Jacker and one on How to setup your Monero wallet.
Monero is easy to exchange and I'll show you the best way to do it!
You'll also join my mailing list for updates and opportunities about crypto in the future! And no I'm not one of those guys that spams you ever day with JV Zoo offers. This list will be for members only and strictly focused on crypto mining!
How much can I earn with this? With 10-20 site visitors actively on your site you will be doing about 100H/S. If you do the calculator w/ zero power consumption this is what you get... This is a conservative estimate w/ low traffic. Coinhive's official site states you can make 3 times this amount.
Where are my login details sent to?
Your login details are sent to the email you enter on the JV Zoo checkout page.
This may or may not be the same email you use for the paypal transaction. If you checkout via the BTC checkout page (PM me for the link) the download link will be delivered immediately on the payment page after the BTC is transferred.
(12-20-2017 03:23 PM)TheGreyHat Wrote: [ -> ]Plugin is simple to install. It works. I tested it out.