(12-12-2017 11:51 AM)skilts Wrote: [ -> ]hey, chill man, one of the keys to being a good trader is to keep your emotion in check, don't let the leechers get in your head ;)

Hi Skilts :)
They are proabably a LOT MORE in my threads / Links than in my head, happily....
Well, i have given up about them.....They are, i guess, the logical consequences of a "FREE" world such as Internet is...., so, like various pollutions existing in the Real Life world, we have to do with them.

anyway for your kind post, Man :)
It will be a honor if i had the link for download the course.
Big thanks and rep added of course.
(12-13-2017 08:26 AM)mehere001 Wrote: [ -> ]It will be a honor if i had the link for download the course.
Big thanks and rep added of course.
I have checked out the REP given in the Details of REP, on my Profile.....No tracks from your name.....Not important, i can LIVE without thta,, but WHY the hell do you lie ? Or is it a bug ?
(12-13-2017 12:09 PM)DeVinci Wrote: [ -> ] (12-13-2017 08:26 AM)mehere001 Wrote: [ -> ]It will be a honor if i had the link for download the course.
Big thanks and rep added of course.
I have checked out the REP given in the Details of REP, on my Profile.....No tracks from your name.....Not important, i can LIVE without thta,, but WHY the hell do you lie ? Or is it a bug ?
I'm begging you to re-up this

Torrent options:
Really painful time taking

Can any one Re-up this ?, +1 rep to anyone who can reup this
WTF - Is this someones idea of a joke? All the links are expired and no longer viable. Why waste members time by posting this with expired links? I know this is an old post and the product is dated but I don't think it should have been posted on Page 1 with the other 'LIVE' posts where dummies like me would go after it, thinking it was still good. (IMHO of course)
If someone still has this from last year would you please upload it so others can get it as well. Even though it is a year old some or most of it must still be good and work in today's market.
Thanks in advance!