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Full Version: [GET] Pick Paint Profit by Kristi Kuehl
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Magic Button :
I didn't see the password right off the bat, it's a little grayed out, if missed, here it is: officialpick
(12-09-2017 09:47 AM)Midnight Dirby Wrote: [ -> ]
Magic Button :
I didn't see the password right off the bat, it's a little grayed out, if missed, here it is: officialpick

The password for every video is above the video itself. And all the password is different. Make sure you enter the correct password. It's pointless to include the password since its very obvious.
(12-09-2017 10:25 AM)sunnyTRIO Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-09-2017 09:47 AM)Midnight Dirby Wrote: [ -> ]
Magic Button :
I didn't see the password right off the bat, it's a little grayed out, if missed, here it is: officialpick

The password for every video is above the video itself. And all the password is different. Make sure you enter the correct password. It's pointless to include the password since its very obvious.

Maybe I wear glasses, maybe the light is low, that's my point I didn't see it / them.

So no, it wasn't obvious.

Anyway, it's nothing to get excited about.

Magic Button :
Passwords for Video 1: officialpick | Video 2: officialpaint | Video 3: officialprofit
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