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Full Version: Post To Unlock Is Gone?
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Hey Guys.

I was thinking whether the Post to Unlock had been finally UNLOCKED? Lol

I would take that as a CHRISMAS GIFT as it really KILLS the DISCUSSION that should Have Been Created.

yah i love thisssssssss save many many timeeeee

Yup. It surely does. More than time, it makes this a COMMUNITY :P.
post to unlock
Post on thread or make new thread?
From my point of view this is stupid. Lock all the links even SP... post to see what is even in there and if it is worth it... idn... not good. Kills good comments, creates more than 90% of trash in them... etc...
this should be turned off.
The irony:
[Image: sbUaYMc.jpg]

As others said this is not needed and brakes the discussions. Also the "Quote" button we need back, now I need to manually write [quote] code each time..
I totally agree, and only creates spam
Unlock is not gone, Quote is gone :(
This has advantages and disadvantages.

I have unlocked some old Threads unfortunatelly.

Maybe the moderators are only testing.
The quote post feature also seems to have gone -- or is it just me?
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