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Learn how to pick pockets!

Learn how to pick pockets for fun and profit with this quality, PDF edition of Eddie Joseph's classic book, "How to Pick Pockets." A terrific introduction to the art, the techniques outlined in this concise guide are based upon the basic principles of misdirection and diversion. See how virtually anything carried in a person's pocket can be secretly removed - even while a thousand eyes are watching you! You will also learn how to remove wristwatches and articles of clothing without being detected. Many excellent effects that will add a unique blend of comedy and mystery to any magic act.

With this guide, anyone can learn to pick pockets. Imagine the reaction you'll get when you remove a spectator's shirt or boxer shorts! It's all explained. Plus, you'll even learn how to practice your pickpocketing skills at home. A fun and informative read. Sold for entertainment purposes only. 20 pages.


Amusing read, Nancy!
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